Revising Federal Guidelines and Data Collection to Include Intersectionality

Primary Investigators

Nancy López, University of New Mexico; Yasmiyn Irizarry, The University of Texas at Austin; Edward D. Vargas, Arizona State University

Research Team: Ricardo Lowe and Shania Montufar (UT Austin); Nic Bennett (Michigan State); Sharan Kaur Mehta (UNM).

This study consists of three interconnected programs: (1) a symposium and subsequent meetings with scholars, policymakers, and federal administrative bureaucrats/agency leaders in education, health, labor, and justice to revisit federal data collection in light of the insights of intersectionality; (2) qualitative case studies of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) & the Census, including interviews with key stakeholders, participant observation at working group and advisory committee meetings, and content analysis of documents and public comment focused on ruling relations in Federal Agencies; and (3) quantitative intersectional analyses of leading education, health, justice, and workforce datasets using multiple measures of race (e.g., self-identified, ascribed, street race) and the creation of a summer institute for federal heads of statistical analysis and scholars to practice intersectionality as inquiry through quantitative methods. 

This study is supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation under Grant No. 79072. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.